Ever considered art therapy? It can be quite the outlet to express your feelings and emotions, but through art. In the realm of art therapy, Megan Havlin stands as a reputable expert. As the founder of Meghan Havlin LLC, she brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the field, utilizing art as a powerful tool for healing and self-discovery.
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Cincinnati local Gabrielle Buckley set out to own a business that is not only kind to customers’ wellbeings, but to the environment too! Univerisity of Cincinnati student Victoria Meyer shares Buckley’s story about her journey to sustainable living and why it is so important to live a earth conscious life.
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In a concerted attempt to get out and properly fall in love with this city that I have been enamored with since putting roots down in the Greater Cincinnati Area in 2018, I am getting out more this summer! Not only am I in love with the city’s architecture, food, and events, but I am in love with the style that I see on people and their willingness to werk the camera!
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