Something Big and beautiful is happening in Columbus Ohio, and if you have a passion for fashion (much like us here at Cincinnati Style Report), you will NOT want to miss it.
Local plus size fashion model and influencer Queen Mizz Sable will be presenting the first ever Top Tier Fashion Affair. The event will take place on Sunday, September 11th, at 4:30.
The show’s organizer and flyer promises a diverse cast of nearly 50 models of all shapes, sizes, ages, and genders. Top Tier Fashion Affair is poised to be one of a kind in this way, and the change of trend is not only needed but welcomed!
Top Tier Fashion Event Coordinator Brihanna Boggs. Photo Credit: Images by Simply Kris
Top Tier Fashion Event Coordinator JaMez Aloha. Photo Credit: Images by Simply Kris
Mizz Sable had this to say about her first ever foray into fashion show organization and coordination: "I think the word I got out so much, you know which is the great thing but I just didn’t know it was going to (like I said) get as big as it did with so many people that were interested in being a part of it so it’s just really been a Blessing.”
There will be several designers, boutiques, and brands featured on the runway, including nationally recognized plus-size fashion brand CurvySense!
The event will be hosted by names familiar in the local fashion scene. Local designer Akili and America’s Next Top Model Alum Bianca Golden will both be hosting this fashion event.
Mizz Sable began modeling as a young girl in Chicago, and has many years of experience under her belt. " We moved, and as I got a little older [that was when] I said OK I want to start getting back into doing more of the modeling, but I was so insecure because of my weight and being more (of a ) chocolate skin girl, and not really just feeling confident because of those things that didn’t seem as “positive” in the world.
I started doing the modeling again in high school. I was still not as comfortable but, I started doing a little bit more. Its funny, after I had my daughter, I started getting more into modeling."
She hopes that with this fashion show, she can bridge the gap between brands and creators that may be able to form mutually beneficial business relationships. If there are more of these networking connections made, Mizz Sable is confident that there will be more opportunities for more diverse representation with brands. “My goal is to just showcase that this is what we have here and we can come together, continue to do things like this so that people can continue to feel good about themselves and get that promotion that they don't feel like they usually get”.
Tickets are available for purchase here